Here are a list of my publications, please get in touch if you have any questions.
An investigation into the maximum permissible ambient sound levels for an audiometric test
Conference proceedings – Solent Health and Wellbeing Conference 2014
Design and build of an impedance tube using the transfer function method for the measurement of sound absorption of a material
Institute of Acoustics Diploma in Acoustics and Noise Control 2014
Acoustic transmission techniques in the development of porosity and osteoporosis measurement systems
MSc Thesis 2016
Development of a “bone stethoscope”: A system for aiding early detection of osteoporosis
Conference proceedings – Solent Research and Innovation Conference 2016
Investigating how predictions of reverberation time can be affected by incorrect absorption coefficient assumptions
Conference proceedings – International Conference of Sound and Vibration 2017
Conference proceedings – Institute of Acoustics Conference “Interesting Acoustics” 2017
Temperature monitoring of nozzle guide vanes (NGVs) using ultrasonic guided waves
Student poster – ASME Turbo Expo 2020
Surface temperature condition monitoring methods for aerospace turbomachinery
Journal article – IOP Measurement, Science, and Technology 2021
Towards in-flight temperature monitoring for nozzle guide vanes using ultrasonic guided waves
Conference proceedings – AIAA Propulsion Energy 2021
Modelling and Validation of a Guided Acoustic Wave Temperature Monitoring System
Journal article – MDPI Sensors Special Issue “Sensors for Severe Environments” 2021