Georeferencing historic maps for Rayshader

In a recent post I explained how beautiful shadows to could be applied to old historic maps by combining elevation

Adding historic map overlays to elevation data with Rayshader

Having dabbled with Rayshader in the past I thought now might be a good time to follow-up on that post

Equal loudness contours (ISO 226-2003)

Equal-loudness contours show how an average person with normal hearing perceives the relative loudness of different frequencies. Equal-loudness contours were

Ultrasonic guided wave simulations in COMSOL

There are a number of methods of simulating ultrasonic guided wave propagation in COMSOL (v6.1) which I will discuss in

Rayshading the Isle of Wight

A few years ago I came across the wonderful @geospatialist on twitter, and I was blown away by his vintage

A “Joy plot” style map of the Isle of Wight

This is a relatively shameless copy of the wonderful Helen McKenzie tutorial on how to produce “joy plot” style maps,

Writing a journal article or thesis using LaTeX

When I started a PhD one of my supervisors encouraged me to try using LaTeX, and despite it seeming daunting

2D-FFT Analysis in MATLAB

2D-FFT can be a really powerful tool in identifying the propagation of different Lamb wave modes in a signal. The process was pioneered by Alleyne and Cawley (1990), and has since been used for a wide range of applications. In this post I will explain how 2D-FFT can be implemented in MATLAB, and how the results can be compared against dispersion curves.

Guitar Soundboard Measurements For Repeatable Acoustic Performance Manufacturing

The following post gives a brief summary of a research paper submitted to Reproduced Sound 2018 primarily written by Ludovico Ausiello, with contributions from Lawrence Yule, Giacomo Squicciarini, and Chris Barlow.

A system for performing fast, accurate and objective assessment of the time-frequency response of guitar soundboards has been developed, using an application of the sine-sweep method commonly used to retrieve impulse responses of acoustic spaces or electro-acoustic devices.

Spatial Audio At Solent

Welcome to RM707, the newly configured spatial audio lab at Solent university! The loudspeaker installation here allows us to pan sounds around in full surround sound, using a system known as ambisonics. One of the major drawbacks to traditional surround sound formats (5.1, 7.1 etc.) is that they’re channel based, meaning that the loudspeakers have to orientated in a particular way (to ITU spec), and when mixing audio around there are a very limited number of positions to work with. Ambisonics allows us to decode audio to any loudspeaker configuration, including loudspeakers positioned at different heights, as well as being able to pan sounds to positions in space rather than just to particular channels.